Manage fee

In this article, you will learn how to manage learners enrollment in your course & their fee

Deepak Sahu avatar
Written by Deepak Sahu
Updated over a week ago
  • Manage Learners Fee

After creating a new student list, you can manually enroll them into a course bundle or enroll an existing student and add a fee for all sales.

To manage your newly enrolled learners you need to follow simple steps:

1. Go to sales & click on Manage Fee

2. Click on "Add new Fee."

3. Select Course bundle

4. Select learners, you want to enroll for that particular course

5. Choose the mode of payment, choose a date & write a note to remember in enrollment

Click on Save

The new enrolled students' fees will be visible on the Manage Fees screen. Now you can easily track students' fee Course Amount, Paid Through, Purchase Date, and change their enrollment status as well.

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